All of the library’s resources are set up with IP Recognition- Which means that provided you are on campus or signed-in through VPN (virtual proxy network) you should have direct access to most Pratt Library resources.
For more information about virtual proxy network (VPN) software offered by Cincinnati Children's please check out the Information Services VPN page:
Journals/Articles (Cincinnati Children's subscription)
Ebooks (Cincinnati Children's subscription)
AAP Red Book Online
The Summon Search Box located on the UC Libraries webpage is a convenient way to search for journals, articles, books and other resources that the University of Cincinnati has made available to Cincinnati Children's users.
1.) Visit
**Please note the different types of "Affiliate Access" as noted by UC Libraries and sign in accordingly:
2. ) In the Search Summon box select the type of resource you need:
3.) Enter your search terms into the appropriate search box. In our example we copied in the title of a desired article (Extended practice...).
4.) To login, Please click on the "Affiliate Access" tab**. Your UC ID number is your Cincinnati Children's Hospital badge number, then enter your last name "lowercase only".
5.) Click on the magnifying glass or hit Enter on your keyboard. You will be taken to a results page. Scroll through the results and see if your desired resource is included in the results. If there is a "full text online" link click on it! If there is only a "citation available" link, then the full text is not available electronically thru UC Libraries.
Other helpful options for trying to locate a full text article: Pratt Library, Google Scholar, Kopernio, Pubmed.
Phone: (513) 636-4320
Office: T2.435
Mon-Thurs 8:30am-6pm
Friday 8:30am-5pm