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Resource Discovery

Resource Discovery at Pratt Research Library

Epic Access to UpToDate and DynaMed

How can I access UpToDate and DynaMed Plus for reference material from within Epic?

Start by going to Centerlink and click on the Epic button under Quick Links and log in.

  1. Click the Epic button (located in the upper left corner) to open the Epic menu.
  2. Click or hover over the Help option.
  3. Click on either the UpToDate or DynaMed option.

You will see items for UptoDate and DynaMed that will take you to these sites and log you in using your Epic credentials. The sites will run in a web browser window on the same server that is providing Epic, and not on your computer's browser.

They are also available under Help Links from the Provider Dashboard.

Can I click on clinical information in Epic to see reference information about it?

Yes. For example, you can right-click on a problem in the Problem List and see a menu item "ClinKB." 

You can do a similar search from the medication and allergy lists.

Selecting this will open a separate window that will show you the results of a search of Up to Date, Dynamed, Pubmed, and Medline Plus.




Logging into UC's Resources

Signing in to UC's Library Catalog, UClid

Cincinnati Children's Employee
To login to UC as a CCHMC employee go to the Affiliates Login tab and fill in the following information*:

UC ID number (this is your five to six digit number located on the back of

  • your badge)
  • Last name (lowercase)
  • Click on Log In

* for help please call 636-4320 (Pratt Library)

University of Cincinnati Employee, Faculty or Student
To login to UC as a UC employee or faculty member go to the UC Login tab and click UC sign on and fill in the following information*:

  • Username (aka your 6+2): First time users can click on Get My
    Username to find out your username.
  • Password: For first time users the password is Uc!mmddyyy (this is
    your full date of birth e.g. Uc!04061991). You can change this once you
    have logged in for the first time. If you have forgotten your password,
    click on Forgot Password.
  • Click on Log In

*for help please call 556-4357 (UC help desk)


Downloading from Scopus

Because of CCHMC IS security measures placed on Java, sometimes using Scopus to download full text articles will result in an error message.  Unfortunately, this is not something that CCHMC IS can turn off- but they have provided a type of work around.  Also, it should be noted that this sometimes does not occur when using Internet Explorer.

To be able to download full text from Scopus you will need to delete the JAR file from within your Java folder on your computer.  To do this, navigate to the following paths, depending on whether you're using a PC or Mac:

File path for PC: C:\windows\sun\java\deployment, then delete the JAR file found in this folder. Restart your computer.

File path for Mac OS X Platform: /library/application support/ oracle/ Java/ deployment, then delete the JAR file found in this folder. Restart  your computer.

If you are unfamiliar with how to navigate to the location above- please see the detailed step by step instructions (with images) in the Microsoft Word document below.

**Please note- this process will need to be completed any time your computer undergoes a Java update of any sort.


Pratt Library currently subscribes to some sections of JoVe- which can be accessed here: JoVe. You have to access this resource from on campus or via VPN.

Some sections of JoVe that Pratt Library does not subscribe to can be accessed via the University of Cincinnati collection:

*If you arrive at a warning webpage that suggests the site is “untrustworthy”, please click the continue/allow button that is available (this varies depending on which internet browser you use).

When accessing the link above, please make sure to sign in under the “Affiliates Tab” with your CCHMC badge number and last name.  When the page opens, click on the “Connect to resource online” link which will take you to the JoVe subscription.  Once you have access JoVe this way, you should have access to more sections of JoVe because of UC’s subscription. This includes videos in the General, Applied Physics, Bioengineering, Chemistry, Clinical and Translational Medicine, Immunology and Infection, as well as Neuroscience sections.

Safari Books Online Seat Limit

Having problems accessing the Safari Books Online via OhioLINK?  This might be why:

The OhioLINK libraries collectively share a license to 100 simultaneous users of Safari Books Online. If you get an error message or can’t open Safari Books Online, it means that all 100 licenses are in use. Please try the title in a few minutes, when a license may be available. When you have finished using your Safari e-book, remember to log out, which will free up your seat for the next waiting user. If you accidentally close the Safari window without logging out first, your session stays open and is unavailable to others for another twenty minutes.

To close your Safari Books Online session: Look for the OhioLINK tab in the blue bar at the top of the Safari page. It is next to the Help tab. Click on OhioLINK and then click on Sign Out.

Cookies Error

If you experience a "Cookie" Error message similar to:

Licensing agreements for these databases require that access be extended only to authorized users. Once you have been validated by this system, a "cookie" is sent to your browser as an ongoing indication of your authorization to access these databases. This cookie only needs to be set once during login.

If you are using a firewall or network privacy program, you may need reconfigure it to allow cookies to be set from this server.

As you access databases, they may also use cookies. Your ability to use those databases may depend on whether or not you allow those cookies to be set.

Then your browser settings need to be set to allow cookies to be accepted. 

Follow these instructions based on your browser:

Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer and click on the Tools (gear icon upper right of window) menu
  2. Select “Internet Options”
  3. Click on the Privacy tab
  4. Set security to “Medium,” “Low,” or “Accept all Cookies”


  1. Open Firefox and click on the Tools Menu at the top of the window
  2. Select Options.
  3. Click on the Privacy tab.  Under the History section select “Firefox will: Use custom settings for history” from the drop down menu.
  4. “Accept Cookies from sites” should be check marked.
  5. “Accept third party cookies” should be set to “Always”

The "Always allow," "Accept third party cookies: Always," and "Accept All Cookies" will let all websites, third parties, and advertisers store cookies and other data on your computer.

OFF-Campus Access

All of the library’s resources are set up with IP Recognition- which means resources can read which IP address someone is using to access their webpages.  An IP address is an address for a computer. Pratt's resources are set up to only allow access to computers that have CCHMC IP addresses. This means in order to fully access any Pratt resource, you must be on CCHMC's campus or running CCHMC's virtual proxy network (VPN) software (which makes it appear that you are on the CCHMC campus).  Using the extranet does not change a computer's IP address to a CCHMC IP address, so resources will not allow access when going through just the extranet.

For more information about virtual proxy network (VPN) software offered by CCHMC, please check out the Information Services VPN page:

Open In New Window

If you click on a full text library link and are taken to a primarily blank page except for the following header, please click on the "open the page in a new window" link to be taken to the publishers/vendors page and view the resource. 

*This redirecting page occurs when the supplying publisher's site blocks display of their content in the cross origin of iFrames.  We apologize for this inconvenience.

Off Campus Access Options to Popular Resources

Options for Off Campus Access Cheat Sheet


  1. VPN Service  (contact IS for VPN permissions
  2. From within Epic if patron has access to Epic off site (instructions:
  3. Dynamed Mobile App.  Initial setup must be done on a CCHMC campus. (instructions:


  1. VPN Service  (contact IS for VPN permissions
  2. From within Epic if patron has access to Epic off site (instructions:
  3. UpToDate Anywhere App. Initial setup must be done on a CCHMC campus. (instructions:


  1. VPN Service  (contact IS for VPN permissions
  2. JoVE App.  Setup does NOT have to be on campus.  Users MUST use email to sign up. (instructions:
  3. Through UC Access.  Guide patron to UC site: then give instructions on how to search and sign in with affiliates login.  (Affiliates login instructions:

Journals (CCHMC subscription)

  1. VPN Service  (contact IS for VPN permissions
  2. See if UC also has a subscription; if so Guide patron to UC site: then give instructions on how to search and sign in with affiliates login.  (Affiliates login instructions:

Ebooks (CCHMC subscription)

  1. VPN Service  (contact IS for VPN permissions
  2. See if UC also has a subscription; if so Guide patron to UC site: then give instructions on how to search and sign in with affiliates login.  (Affiliates login instructions:

AAP Red Book Online

  1. VPN Service  (contact IS for VPN permissions
  2. AAP Red Book Online App.  Initial setup must be done on a CCHMC campus. (instructions: