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Resource Discovery

Resource Discovery at Pratt Research Library


Sometimes the amount of resources to search for articles can be overwhelming.  The chart below is meant to help you keep track of which resources you've already searched and which resources are still available to search.

 Step  Resource to Search Were You Successful If Yes Further Help on Resource
1. Search for Articles in EDS: Ebsco Discovery Service (Search box on Pratt Website) Did you locate the article using EDS? No? Move to row below> If yes- great you're done! How do I use EDS?
 2. Search for Articles in Pubmed (Pratt Databases Page) Was there a successful link to the article? No? Move to row below>  If yes- great you're done! How do I use Pubmed?
 3. Search for Article in Pratt Journal Portal Did the Pratt Journal Portal lead you to the article? No? Move to row below>  If yes- great you're done!  How do I use the Pratt Journal Portal?
 4. Search for Article in the UC Summon Box Did UC resources lead you to the article? No? Move to row below>  If yes- great you're done!  How do I use the UC Summon Search Box?
 5. Search for Article in Google Scholar Did Google Scholar lead you to the article? No? Move to row below>  If yes- great you're done! How do I use Google Scholar?
 6. Request Article via Pubmed Email Request Were you able to email your article request from PubMed? No? Move to row below>  If Yes- great you're done! How do I request articles by email from PubMed?
 7. Request Article from Pratt Library Thanks for your request!  We'll do our best to try and obtain the article you need and send it on to you as soon as possible!  You're done!