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Resource Discovery

Resource Discovery at Pratt Research Library

How Inter-Library Loan (ILL) works for ARTICLE requests


Article Inter-Library Loan (ILL) Process

1. Customer searches library databases for resource

    a. Pratt Library's electronic journal database

    b. UC's electronic journal database

    c. PubMed

    d. Google Scholar

2. If cannot find resource, request resource through Inter-Library Loan

   a. Email a request from PubMed following the instructions here.

   b. If resource is not indexed in Pubmed, submit "Article Request Form"

3. Library staff will search all library databases (again) for requested article

4. If not found, request is sent to partner libraries in the state of Ohio

   a. each lending library has 5 days to say yes or no to filling the request

5. Lending library downloads/scans article/resource and delivers it to Pratt Library (email/fax/mail)

6. If Ohio partner libraries cannot fill request, Pratt library resubmits the request to OCLC libraries around the world

   a. each lending library has 5 days to fill or reject request

7. If no library can fill the request, request is canceled and customer is notified via email.