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Previous Fiscal Year Changes
- Web of Science™ - Cincinnati Children's Symplectic Elements - is no longer collecting the data below
- Citation count (how many times an article is cited over time) - harvesting was inactivated in the fall of 2020.
- Journal Citation Report JCR aka Impact Factors (measure of the amount of times the average article is cited in a specific journal per year) - have not been used for the last two FYs as a data point in the Research annual Report.
- h-index (researcher’s scientific impact) - harvesting was inactivated in the fall of 2020
- Dimensions (Digital Science product) - added into Symplectic Elements (SE) in March 2021. Users will notice this icon in publication records .
- Symplectic Reporting - Microstrategy - has been updated to suppress Web of Science™ data in March 2021.