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Web of Science Changes and Alternatives

Web of Science Citation Count PDF

Web of Science - Citation Counts - Instructions

  1. Go to Web of Science using UC Libraries.
  2. Login using your
    UC affiliation (see instructions:

  3. Choose ‘Authors’ (notice Web of Science Core Collection is the data set).
    (Figure 1)

  4. Enter Last name ‘Glauser’ and select GLAUSER.
  5. Enter first name ‘Tracy A’ and select TRACY A..
  6. Click ‘Search’.
  7. In this example the results offer two profiles. Check both comparing dates, institutions (including previous ones) and if still unsure click each profile and review the publications.
  8. Check the box(es) of the matching profiles and click ‘View as Combined record’.
    (Figure 2)

  9. In the next screen with results see:
    Viewing 2 Combined Author Records: top Left
    Published names: show variations on last name and initials
    Organizations: present and previous
    h-index: based on publications
    Total Publications
    List of all publications underneath the citation data.

  10. In the ‘Citation Network’ section on right side of the screen, click on ‘View citation reportto get the citation counts, total and year by year.
    (Figure 3 and Figure 4)

Note some possible adjustments:

  1. Under ‘Publications’ adjust the years if needed.
  2. The list is in order by the highest cited paper at the top of the list then descending.

Use the scroll down bar under ‘Citation: highest first’ to change the order by date of publication or choose other options.

  1. Click ‘<back” under Citations to see previous years.
    Please note: There is no way to exclude self-citations for a single publication. However, the information under
    Citing Articles>’Without self-citations’ towards to top of the page will give the total number of citations for all publications collectively.
  1. To create a file ‘Export Full Report’ at the top right of the page.
    (Figure 5)

  2. Type in a ‘File Name’ e.g. Glauser 2021.
  3. Select Records e.g. ‘Records 1 to 279’ OR use another option e.g. ‘All records on page’.
  4. Choose Format e.g. ‘Excel File’ OR “Text File’ (not recommended).
  5. Click ‘Export’.
    (Figure 6)
  6. The Excel sheet will include the h-index, total citation counts by year and a total overall.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6