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Web of Science Changes and Alternatives


Dimensions is product offered by Digital Science, the same company that owns Symplectic Elements used by Cincinnati Children's.
Dimensions data was added into Symplectic Elements (SE) in March 2021

  • Harvests open source and other bibliometric data.
  • Includes an h-index in the Citation Metrics section of each publication when available.
  • Users will notice this icon  in a publication's data source section.

To see Dimensions information in your profile, login to Symplectic Elements:
For information about Symplectic Elements see our guide:

  • See the Dimensions h-index information in the publication's preview tab in the 'Citation Metrics' section:

  • Click on the title of the publication and scroll down to 'Data Sources' to see more detailed Dimensions information:

What is Symplectic Elements?

Symplectic Elements is Cincinnati Children's publication tracking system. This centralized system makes recording and reporting scholarly activities easy in several ways:

  • A single source of truth or one place to go to gather all scholarly activities including publications.
  • Searches online databases including PubMed, CrossRef, Scopus and more.
  • Calculates h-index and includes other research
  • Shows impact metrics e.g. citation analysis and Altmetrics.
  • Receive email alerts when new scholarly activities are found.
  • Can work with Endnote and other bibliographic software (import and export).