Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Archives
Acquisition and Appraisal Policy
Acquisition Policy
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Archives (“the Archives”) acquires documents, recordings, images, and publications of enduring historical, legal, fiscal, medical and administrative value pertaining to Cincinnati Children’s and the Cincinnati Children’s community. By emphasizing the selection and retention of core records (quality over quantity) that best reflect Cincinnati Children’s functions in the areas of pediatrics, administration, teaching, research, program development, public relations, patient support, innovation, and cultural enrichment, the Archives seeks to collect and document the major activities and achievements of Cincinnati Children's and its community. On occasion the Archives also accepts material culture items that document breakthroughs or innovations developed at Cincinnati Children’s.
The Archives focuses its acquisitions on the departments, faculty, and administration of Cincinnati Children’s. On occasion, the Archives will accept materials from private donors, particularly from persons having association with Cincinnati Children’s and its activities. As a rule, the Archives does not purchase records or accept materials on loan. The donor(s) of the material will be asked to transfer full rights and title of all donated collection to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Archives by signing the appropriate transfer agreement/deed of gift.
Specifically, the Archives collects:
Appraisal Policy
Archival appraisal is the deliberate, analytic, process of determining (appraising) the administrative, legal, historic and research significance of records. Through appraisal records are evaluated to determine which have enduring (archival) value, worthy of ongoing retention. Appraisal is the means by which an acquisition policy is put into action, resulting in the development of a strong and useful collection of records that accurately represents the history and activity of Cincinnati Children’s. Conversely, through appraisal, decisions are made concerning which materials will not be kept and therefore be targeted for disposal.
Effective appraisal supports the mission of the Archives as well as Cincinnati Children’s by targeting and selecting records for ongoing preservation that meet legal and administrative requirements while providing an accurate and representative overview of its work. Appraisal decisions are based on the guidelines listed in the Archives' acquisition policy. These criteria should be applied consistently.
Some considerations when conducting appraisal include:
Appraisal is most effective when done collaboratively. Members of Cincinnati Children’s Historical Committee, together with medical professionals, hospital administrators, and the Cincinnati Children’s Archivist will participate in appraisal decisions.
The following checklist is useful when considering which records should be accessioned into Cincinnati Children’s archival collection: