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Point of Care Resources

Learn about the Point of Care Resources available from Pratt Research Library

DynaMed Plus - switching to the Cincinnati Children's License

Step One:  Moving Personal User Accounts

When moving to a new facility, residents will have to create a new Personal User Profile as the authentication would put them in a new institution in our administration system and their old Personal User Authentication wouldn’t be activated there.

  1. Submit available CME credits prior to leaving your previous institution and before creating a new account with your new email address. 
  2. Create a new Personal User Account in DynaMed Plus at Cincinnati Children's Hospital (your new institution).
  3. Login to the DynaMed Plus interface from within your new institution.
  4. Click the Sign In/Create Account link in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
  5. Fill in the fields with your information and click Submit.
  6. You will receive an email with instructions on how to set up your account. You will have 24 hours to complete the setup process.
  7. Click the setup link in the email and in the resulting window, create a strong password and retype your password.
  8. Click Save Changes.

Step Two: Log into DynaMed Plus via browser with your Personal Account

  1. Once you have your personal account created, you can log in and select DynaMed Plus to keep you signed in to the interface.
  2. Go to and click the Log in to DynaMed Plus link in the upper right corner.
  3. Click Institution.
  4. On the login screen, enter the email address you used to create your account and your password.
  5. Re-create alerts for specialties or topics on which you would like to have push notifications.
  6. If you would like to stay signed in to DynaMed Plus, check the box for Keep Me Signed In and then click Login.  You are logged into DynaMed Plus with your new personal account.

Step Three: Log into the DynaMed Plus app with your Personal Account

  1. Download the DynaMed Plus app on your device. The instructions to download the app are online here: 
  2. Open the app on your device and enter your personal account login information in the user ID and password fields.
  3. If you would like to stay signed in to the DynaMed Plus app, check the box for Keep Me Signed In and then tap Login. You are logged into the DynaMed Plus app with your new personal account.