Online medical reference for quick, point-of-care information. UpToDate® is an evidence-based knowledge system authored by physicians to help clinicians make the right decisions at the point of care. All UpToDate content is written and edited by a global community of 4,800 physicians, world-renowned experts in their specialties. Supported by UpToDate’s 45 in-house physician editors, these authors follow a rigorous editorial process, continually reviewing the content to ensure it is of the highest quality and based on the latest evidence.
To maintain access to UpToDate you must verify your account every 90 days. For more information see
The links in this guide are to the tutorials and information guides with instructions about how to use the databases and other resources available through the Edward L. Pratt Research Library. To access the databases please visit the Databases Page of the Pratt Library website or you can also access UC Libraries databases through our affiliate access.